Take a quick Quality of Working Life test*


Please answer the questions below Yes Not Sure No
1. Are you happy with your manager? Yes Not sure No
2. Are you happy in general with your self? Yes Not sure No
3. Do home or family life issues generally only affect you in a small way whilst you are at work? Yes Not sure No
4. Are you happy with your colleagues? Yes Not sure No
5. Are you happy with your job prospects? Yes Not sure No
6. Do you usually feel in control of things at work? Yes Not sure No
7. Do you think you have the wage you should? Yes Not sure No
8. Are you happy with your work environment? Yes Not sure No
9. Is any harassment you might experience (e.g. bullying, sexual, racial, verbal) dealt with effectively at work? Yes Not sure No
10. Overall, are you happy with how things are at work? Yes Not sure No

To see what your results mean, press the button.

*Please note that the results of this quick test are correlated with that of the QoWL test, but the full validity and reliability of this test has not been completely evaluated, and so should not be relied upon without further advice. Please contact us if you would like to know more.